Welcome to MARS


Education Imparted To Every Child To Excel.


Seamlessly integrating hands on experience with traditional teaching methods.

Building fundamental concepts.

Creating an atmosphere of inquiry.

Making learning a constant adventure.

Mission Image
Mission Image

Director's Message

Dear students ,

Welcome to MARS Learning centre!

Every student has a different learning style and pace. Each student is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding. Setting a goal is not the main thing, it is deciding how u will go about achieving it and staying with that plan. There are no magic wands, no hidden tricks and no secret handshakes that can bring you immediate success, but with time, hardwork, commitment and determination you can get there.

Today our educational system values rigorous academic knowledge over being more creative. There is a growing focus on analytical skills and students ability to find solutions for problems of advanced complexity. MARS will hone your critical thinking and communication skills through hands on activities which will rekindle a love of learning and connect abstract concept to the real world – while achieving desired educational outcomes. Interactions with scientists and intellectuals time and again will give a wide exposure to the avenues ahead and help bring out your latent potentials in academic and professional life.

Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and only when we accept these facts that we will truly succeed. Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information.

Best wishes...

Academics Team


Building an institute designed for the holistic development of our students is the aim which we have set out to achieve.

MARS( Mangaluru Academy of Refined Studies) is an Institute helping you to enrich your learning skills through innovative means. All the students deserve to understand and enjoy every subject be it science, math, physics, chemistry or English, medical or dental with the same enthusiasm they were founded with. To give this enhanced form of education we have with us very dynamic and proficient teachers on the panel.

Classrooms which are well equipped with the latest technologies. Laboratory which make all your experiments a new invention and guest lectures coming to upgrade you to a different universe altogether. The never ending set up of facilities lined up for you is something you must come and witness.

Even the most vivid of living books cannot supplement a real life experience. Therefore we allow our students to put down the books and pencils and drive to new locations with interesting things to see and embrace nature in its raw form through field trips.

New generation pays great attention to situations from which their perspective about the future is modified. They are able to discuss their difficulties liberally with our teachers who are aided with a self sufficient library of books with every question answered.

By enrolling at MARS you open the myriad skills and mastery you are yet to explore. Come and join hands with us and let us take you on this journey where education and fun amalgamates towards a visionary future.